MELBU International Summer School in Leipzig, Germany – August 2022

After a successful school in an online format in February-March 2022, the next major event in the MELBU project was a summer school held in August 2022 in Leipzig, Germany.

This time, students and professors from Bangladesh, thanks to the lifting of restrictions related to Covid, had the opportunity to come to Europe and meet physically with European professors and students.

As part of the summer school, students worked in teams on their business projects in cooperation with mentors. This time professors from Bangladesh took the lead in lectures and coaching, and through shadow-learning during the online school in early 2022, they were introduced to methods of learning about entrepreneurship based on the knowledge of European partners.

On the final day, students from Europe and Bangladesh presented the results of their several days of work in front of a group of invited experts.

Thanks to the new skills acquired, the Bangladeshi students expanded their knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation and leadership, and the Bengali professors had a unique opportunity to present their skills in entrepreneurial science in Europe, also in interaction with European students.

The whole school was a success and in addition to the lectures and workshops it was combined with additional activities such as sightseeing in Leipzig, getting to know the university infrastructure and student life in Germany, and making international contacts and friendships during free time.

The school was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programm of the European Union within the project “More Entrepreneurial Life at Bengali Universities”.

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